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SBA Qualified 80% Commercial + 20% Benefits Insurance

Location  California,United States
Asking Price Range  $500K - $1.0M
Gross Revenues  $249253
Net Profit / Cash Flow  $220095
Cash Flow Type  Sellers Discretionary Cash
Seller Finance  Yes
Year Established  2002
Number of Employees  1 - 3
Relocatable  Not Disclosed
Number of Employees  1 - 3
Real Estate  Leased
Training  8 weeks, 30 hours per week, more as needed or negotiated per preference of buyer.
Reason for Sale  Other business interests.
Description  This business has been qualified for SBA acquisition, so a majority of the purchase price can be financed, with the balance due a blend of cash injection from the Buyer and Seller financing subject to negotiation. They want offers. Sellers are micro-managing type owner-operators, and have maintained a superior level of customer service and attention to their clients since the company's inception. They are very good at placing business, as their bind ratio is 92%+. Revenue can be broken down as follows: Work comp 44%, Group Health 17%, General Liability 13%, Commercial Auto, 12%, Personal Lines, 3%. Broker fees only $37,258, Renewals and Commissions from the Carriers are $201,372 for 2011. Huge upside exists as many times they charged a bare minimum in broker fee just to get the client in the door. Sellers acknowledge a more aggressive firm could have obtained additional revenue by charging more on fees. Top 5 carriers by premium are Castle Point, York, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Travelers, Markel, and State Fund Direct. They have done a reasonable job cross-selling benefits, but definitely upside exists for those that want to do additional cross-sales. Sellers have a custom agency management system that will be included in the sale along with a 2 month transition/training period. NDA is required for due diligence package or to schedule a conference call or meeting with the Sellers. Facilities: In corporate office park, very little face-to-face, so this is portable nationwide! Competition: Commercial insurance is a sticky business, so once you get in there, as long as you take care of the clients you keep them for a very long time. Growth/Expansion: Could do more advertising, as-is they were running at full time+ hours for 2 owner-operator partners. Additional admin. staff would have been beneficial to grow the agency further to take care of some of the customer service issues that could have been taken off the plate of the owner(s)
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